Archived League News 2018

League Knockout Finals

posted 3 Oct 2018, 16:48 by John Palmer [ updated 3 Oct 2018, 16:48 ]

Congratulations to Horsehay A and Worfield A on winning the Knockout Cups at Broseley last Sunday (30th September). Scores are here.

(Edit post)

Ladies Singles Competition

posted 17 Jul 2018, 11:17 by John Palmer [ updated 17 Jul 2018, 11:17 ]

Congratulations to League Secretary Lesley Burnside on winning the Ladies Singles Competition at Chelmarsh. Lesley representing Mortimer beat Mo Parton 21-16 in the final. Details are on the Competitions page.

Pre-Season Meeting

posted 7 Mar 2018, 22:35 by John Palmer [ updated 8 Mar 2018, 09:00 ]

Hi All,

I hope you are all well and have coped with 'The Beast from the East' !!

Looking forward to warmer weather and a possible summer, it can't come quick enough for me!!

Please find attached minutes from the end of season meeting 2017 and the agenda (see below) for the pre-season meeting which will be held at Bridgnorth Bowling Club on Tuesday 13th March at 7.30pm.

Please make sure that there is a representative present from each club.

Hopefully all information and entry sheets will be available on the night for all league competitions. Please make sure that these are displayed at your club to try to boost entries.

Hope to see you all on Tuesday.




Tuesday 13th March 2018 7.30pm

Bridgnorth Bowling Club

  1. Introduction and Apologies

  2. Minutes of the last Committee Meeting

  3. Matters Arising

  4. Chairman's Report

  5. County Report

  6. League Structure 2018 (Fixtures Released on the web site)

  7. Handicup Cup Draw, Singles & Doubles Dates

  8. Any Other Business

2018 AGM

posted 16 Jan 2018, 09:19 by John Palmer [ updated 16 Jan 2018, 09:19 ]

Hi All,

Hope that you are all keeping well and have a happy and healthy New Year.

The 2018 AGM will be held at Bridgnorth Bowling Club on Tuesday 13th February at 7.30pm.

Please try to make sure that all clubs are represented as non attendance will result in a £10 fine for the club.

If you have any proposals or suggested rule changes for the meeting, can you please make sure that I have them in writing or e-mail by no later than Tuesday 31st January.

Hope to see as many as possible of you there.


Lesley Burnside
